Counseling Cannabis
Successfully navigating the legal cannabis industry takes endurance and street smarts. How you plan is always important; but how you respond to the ever shifting cannabis landscape is everything.
I’m an established business attorney – but I’ve also cofounded and operated two of California’s well-known cannabis companies. I have not just counseled cannabis clients, I’ve been that client, navigating the turbulence of this emerging market.
Few “experts” or attorneys can offer that unique combination and intimate perspective. My clients have come to depend on me as not just a lawyer, but as an important part of their team.
- Gavin Kogan


Organizing Startups is not just
about documents. I've helped
many founders strategize,
prioritize and incorporate their
vision from the start.

Expansion opportunities are ever
shifting. I've helped leaders
quickly develop and adjust their
strategies to sieze success.

Whether to Restructure can be an
agonizing decision. I've helped
boards strategize and implement
restructure plans to manage
existential crisis.

The speed of the Cannabis Industry evolution is giving rise to more and more business disputes. Don’t be fooled; the cannabis industry is not like any other industry.
I am uniquely qualified to educate attorneys, judges and juries about cannabis industry customs and provide context to support legal positions and business insider perspectives.

Mediation is highly successful in bringing painful disputes and litigation to an acceptable end.
The cannabis industry operates over a complex regulatory field, is multi-faceted and rapidly evolving. My industry expertise helps disputing parties explore non-obvious settlement solutions that likely would not occur to other mediators

Pablo Baraldi
Vert Pharma S.A. de CV
Mexico City, Mexico
Gavin helped us advocate for cannabis reform with Mexican senators early on. Since then, Gavin has been regularly advising us on our lab development and giving us guidance as our Mexican industry unfolds. He's been hugely influential in our organizational development.

Saphira Galoob, CEO
The Liason Group
Washington D.C.
Once the cannabis industry finally settles and stabilizes, it will have people like Gavin Kogan to thank. He’s keenly aware of balancing the legacy roots of our industry pioneers, with the pragmatism and discipline necessary to create, manage and grow a tightly margined, capitol-starved and regulation strangled businesses.